So Matoria definitely did not win that Veto, thanks to my inability to see shit, lol ... so hopefully Ryelle's winning streak continues!
Assuming jury starts at Final 9, I feel like the Partners twist has to end after this round since we'll be at the Final 10 after this. I'm not too concerned about being targeted immediately in the upcoming rounds because I feel like Caleb, Matt, and Ryelle are seemingly bigger targets than I am. I responded to Nicole's message about her suggested "secret alliance" telling her I'd go along with it. I don't know what to expect from this team-up, but Nicole did mention that none of the houseguests would think of us to work together, which makes sense. I've literally spoken to her twice -- one boring ass conversation and one pretty entertaining one, so I don't know whether or not I can take anything says at face value.
Leo IM'ed me earlier today to apologize for not breaking the tiebreaker in my favor. I still hate him so much for it, but I kept telling him it was okay and blahblahblah. I love Matt & Ryelle and my loyalty will always be towards them, but I need to find some numbers to get them in my favor lol, so who knows, as long as I remain on Leole's good side, it might be enough to spare me a bit.
And lastly, how the fuck is Jessica still in this game?
Sorry Nicole! Would have loved to have this secret alliance thing by Ryelle wants you out and considering they've been dragging Matt and I along their victory road, respecting their wishes is the least I can do!