Sure is a crazy twist you just puled on all of us! I sure do like my partner Jerry! Are you guys sure it was randomized and you didn't just put the two old timers together? I sure do like the two folks in Healeb. I have chatted with those two quite a bit. So I should be in a great spot to open up this amazing game!
I sure saw that one coming! First nominated sure does make me a little sad. I hadn't gotten the chance to even talk to Monika yet so that has got to be the reason. She must be the only I think I have not gotten the chance to talk to!
Well I sure ain't the best at challenges! I really messed this one up and it cost Jerry and I. Never count on me to be the big challenge competitor because it surly will never happen. Hopefully I can work my social game to get myself out of this big week one mess I sure dang got mysfelf into!
Sure has been a crazy and tough week one thats for sure! I have worked my tail off today talking to folks trying to get em to save me. I I am really close with both Heather and Caleb so I'm pretty sure I have there votes. Caleb and I were working all day long to try and swing votes toward my way.
I have been working on Nicole all day long. I told her I was almost positive that I have 3 votes my way and if we can get a few more than we can all come together as one alliance. She sure seemed to like the idea of getting a majority to keep me then use that majority of people of people to make a run into this game. I am feeling a bit more safe the longer the day goes on by but I still have work to do.
I sure don't wanna get too comfortable but I believe I have rallied the votes my way! Sorry Jerry! Caleb brought up a five person alliance of me him Heather Leo and Nicole! I really like that and if we keep it on the down low I think we could do some damage! But as of now it looks like I should start chatting with my new partner Jessie hopefully!
Sorry for the lack of thoughts! We have a good solid group of 5. Leo Nicole Caleb Heather and I. Caleb and Heather are kind of annoying lol! Just they way they talk and stuff. Like Heather always hugs me an its kinda weird and Caleb is always sending hearts but I am with them though.
I am the only one in the alliance without a pair which could hurt me or help me. I don't think it matters either way cause I can see myself turning on them later down the road.
Sure was a good round! There was a lie drawn in the sand this round. Our alliance of 5 have some enemies! I don't trust Luica Ryelle or Matoria! At this point it is basically 3 teams against 3. I am not too sure that those 3 teams are together but I am assuming they will. Rumor got out that Donsie was n an alliance with Haleb and other pairs. So I could very easily be a target this week. All though I feel like they could go after bigger targets which is my hope. I am certainly going to try and stay under the radar in this part of the game!
If I win hoh I would most likely nominate Ryelle. They are a huge threat and I kind of like Vitoria. I could also nominate Luica. I haven't talked to those two that much so it could be a better choice.
Alright I know I am behind on writing my thoughts so I am not going to write them in character anymore. It is too hard to be Donny lol.
Haleb blew this house up. I haven't read that whole fight but it was pretty stupid of them to do. They are clearly going to get nominated now. They were maybe going up before it happened but now it is a fact they are going up. The house is really shifting to the other side consisting of Ryelle and Matoria. Who knows where Luica stands.
I am hoping Leo and Nicole are going to be the other pair nominated but it very well could be me and Jessie. I just gave my pitch to ryan who I have barley talked to and basically told him I would understand if he nominated me because we have barley talked. I know that sounds like a weird way to stay off the block but after a big fight he was in me coming around being nice could go a long way.
I have to get tighter with Jessie because surprisingly we have not talked much.