It's like super annoying that Ryan keeps winning Vetoes and pulling himself off the block! He's just such a comp threat that he totally doesn't even haveta do anything else! We gotsa keep nomming him so he goes bye-bye and I can be all happy panda. Nicole went and all obvious put Donny up so I'm glad about that. IDK about things between them though cause I thought they were buddy-buddy and secret-dealy! She seemed kinda like paranoid about stuffs before anything happened.
When I talked to Dani to like see who she'd put up with HOH, she said Nicole and Heather or Heather and Jerry! She said she was all 95% sure she'd backdoor Ryan if the Veto got used but it'd be F6 next round! Everyone's gonna like play Veto anyways so planning to backdoor is like totally silly. I thought she'd like see Ryan's a big threat to her too, but she's gonna like go and stick to him.
Dani even went and showed Nicole things I told her that were supposed to be hush-hush between us! Like I get she'll do anything to stay and I want to keep her but that's all stupid. That sorta thing means I can't trust her and little old me might haveta evict her. It sucks cause I really like her and wanted to try getting Jerry to keep her too! I wanted to make a move but if Dani's not gonna ditch Ryan then I gotsa just try to weaken him. Feeling on the bottom of your alliance is totally not fun, but helping Ryan out just sucks more!
OMG last night was just such a hot mess! After I thought maybe Dani going was best, Nicole goes all on about maybe wanting to keep her. When we talked before it was like totally the other way around and then we had a group chat with Heather and she thought it was a good idea too! Since Dani is totally better than Donny at comps and the game they were all about keeping her to have her put up Ryan cause she said he needed to go sometime! They just wanted to go talk to Jerry about it.
So we all like talked to Jerry today and he was all like saying how she wouldn't go against Ryan since he'd just take her to the F2! He's probs right and I think if she stayed she'd like throw HOH so she wouldn't haveta but it was all like they kinda decided the night before to keep her. Though we compared notes on who she'd nominate if she was HOH and it all changed and was different for all of us! That makes me kindsa sad.
I like thought Dani would be maybe playing me but I totes didn't wanna see it cause I like her so much! Even though there's like evidence that she won't go against Ryan I kindsa wish she'd stay so I could keep talking to her. Jerry said he's voting her out, Heather's all leaning that way and Nicole said she'd all evict her in a TB! Maybe I can just like make a F2 with Donny for the lulz and see if it helps after Ryan goes!
Ryan won HOH again! He's won like a million comps! It makes me kinda sad and kinda mad cause we've all like wanted Ryan out forever. I talked to him though and he said he was putting up Nicole and Heather! That means I'm gonna be safe unless one of them wins Pov! I dunno what to really do this week TBH.
It's like, I wanna make a buncha game plans for when we finally get Ryan out but I can't! If Nicole or Heather went home then like it'd help me get a F2 where I win. Ryan's all super strong though, so it's probs all best if I try to get Donny out. I just gotsa see what Veto's like and if Ryan noms who he said! I wish he'd stop winning stuffs, cause this is kindsa getting lame!
Aww, I goofed on Veto and Nicole won! Now it's all like I'm next to Heather on the block and that makes me all super sad. I knows Heather going like this is probs better for me than voting her out but I don't wanna be on the block! Ryan told me he wanted me to stay cause of how close Nicole and Heather are but there's totally a bit on him wanting a comp threat out. I gets it cause he like needs Veto to go live and all that. Jerry said he'd keep me and he said Donny would too! I like hearing it but I kindsa wanna talk to Donny myself so I can like make sure he's gonna do it.
IDK what Nicole's gonna do but Jerry said she was gonna go and evict me! It kindsa sucks hearing that but I totally thought I'd be on the bottom anyways. Like, even if Heather goes, Nicole'd be like all trying to look loyal so she'd get more votes if she made the end! And if I went, then Heather'd be all targeted over her too. No matter what, I gotsa keep trying in case one of the guys like changes their mind. I wanna stay so I can help get Ryan out next round and try going to F2 with like Donny! Jessica's not done yet!