Finalist Instructions: Make a new thread for your opening statement. Please have them up by tomorrow night. Jury Instructions: Make a thread for either your question/s or statement once Heather and Nicole have posted their opening statements. Please ask questions that are relevant to the game. This means game-related questions only. Asking someone to post pictures of their favourite animals or music videos are considered unacceptable. We have the right to request that a question not be answered if it is irrelevant to the game.
Once your questions have been answered / or you have decided who you want to vote for, please cast your vote for the winner. You may not ask a question if you have already voted. Also, please do not reveal your votes.
Okay the F2 have answered all the questions. You may proceed to vote for the winner. The finale will be posted either tomorrow (if we get the votes in) or sometime Tuesday.
Sorry guys. There will be a slight delay. Don't mean to keep you guys waiting, but Kat had to work, so the results will be posted at 8:30 instead. Kat put in a lot of work for this game and should be here for the reveal!
Awards, AS and the board will be posted after that.